发表于 2018-2-13 20:55:36
Please read all instructions found in the "Manual" folder for information regarding to PlasmaHTTP. If you ask me a question that is already answered in the manual, I will ignore you.
Hosting requirments:
Standard web server (Apache/Engine-X), PHP 5+, MySQL, ionCube Loader 5+
Installation information:
1. Upload Panel.zip to your web server and extract it, or upload each item manually.
2. Edit config.php with your SQL Information. Be sure to add the user to the database. For the Website URL, do not include http:// or a / at the end. Example: host.plasmarat.pw/panel
3. Run the install script at /install.php. Put in the username and password you want.
4. After install script runs, delete it from your website.
5. Login to your panel. Ensure it works properly.
6. Send me your /gate.php URL, aka where you installed the panel at for your bot bin.
Some notes:
-If you require assistance installing the panel, I suggest first googling your issue. I'm NO expert at server administration, please do not contact me unless you MUST, and even then I may not help.
-Do not ask me where to buy bots. Do not ask me any question answered in the manual. Do not ask me what host is best. |